Hello empowered patriots, welcome to our "News & Current Affairs" and "Take Action" blog page where you can stay up-to-date with all the news – and all your questions of "What can I do?" are answered.
Together – WE ARE Australia's answer to turning our country around!
You may feel overwhelmed, feel like giving up, feel like this task is too big for 'We the People' to tackle – however – what many of us don't realise it that we hold the immense power of numbers – if each of us just shows up! It will take ALL of us. Our numbers are our greatest asset. It is what they fear most. So, let's steer our anger, passions, drive and determination into unified targeted actions. Every step each we take guarantees a future of truth and freedom. It is our duty to act. Lets do this for our children now and every generation to come!
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Click any of the "download link" buttons
Email the file to yourself from your phone
Open the email on your laptop and save the file to your desktop
Print on your home printer OR...
Copy the file to a USB
Take it to the Printing desk at Officeworks and have them assist you
Download on Laptop or desktop:
Click a "download link"
Email the file to yourself from your phone
Open the email on your laptop and save the file to your desktop
Print on your home printer OR...
Copy the file to a USB
Take it to the Printing desk at Officeworks and have them assist you
If you do not feel confident, you can get help with this at Officeworks. Just show them the link to the file on the website and they will help you – or ask a tech savvy friend or relative!